Creating posters and cartoon characters for an event organised by Impress who work with technology for incontinence
- Client: TITCH and Impress
- Date: March, 2016
Technology & Innovation Transforming Child Health (TITCH) is a national network that helps develop new technologies and innovations to improve children’s healthcare.
We were commissioned to design some posters to advertise a children’s incontinence event they wanted to run. The poster had to appeal to children whilst also providing all the key information for the parents/carers to get interest in running an event.
2 x A4 promotional posters and Cartoon characters
Using the cartoon characters and contextual elements (including a magnifying glass, a lightbulb and speech mark), we managed to create fun decorative designs suitable for children that provided context to the posters. The final posters became part of a series that were used to advertise the event toilet talk. Giving the client the elements individually, also allowed them to create their own branded materials for the event.
The posters were very successful and sent out through a series of different channels. The use of the cartoon characters was considered so effective that the toilet talk workshop outcomes were turned into a comic strip.
A study conducted by Health.com found at least 73% of kids selected the food in the character packaging as the one they’d prefer to eat as a snack